26 June 2018

Moving to an Urban vs Rural Area

If you’ve ever had to go through the process of buying a home, you know how stressful it can be choosing an area that’s best for your family. People also bring their life experience into the decision-making process. If you grew up in an urban area, you’ll typically lean toward similar geographic locations.

But what it actually comes down to is what characteristics of your home’s location are most important to you and your family. You can always opt for something in the suburbs, but there are great reasons for both urban and rural locations as well.


Living in the big city, you’ll have several more options for transportation. You may have your own vehicle, but you can easily walk or use your bicycle to get around quickly--something that could take several deserted miles out in the country.


There is always something to do in urban areas because the city usually never sleeps. Whether you like catching a movie, visiting the park, shopping, or trying out new restaurants, there’s always a combination of new, exciting things and old trustworthy hotspots to choose from. And chances are, you’re usually not too far from a party, festival, or other community event.

Medical Care--

If you worry about accidents, injuries, and illnesses that could be serious when combined with your health or that of a loved one, living in the city keeps you closer to hospitals, urgent care, and other medical facilities like general practitioners and specialists. You’ll never be far from a medical professional when you need it most.


One of the greatest pulls for big cities is their celebration of diversity. You’ll get to brush shoulders with people from all different backgrounds and cultures, and they will each have an exciting story to tell about what brought them there. Surrounded by so many unique people, you and your family will learn and grow in ways they really couldn’t outside the city limits.


If the city sounds a little too exciting for someone like you, the privacy of a rural area might be more your speed. Sure, you’ll still have your neighbors, but the next house over could be a mile or more away. And if you’ve got big plans for sheds, barns, or grain storage, all that extra space will come in handy.


Because of all that space and the geographic spread of the rural population, there is typically a much lower crime rate, which means you can relax a bit more when it comes to sending your kids outside to play on their own. You’ll also find fewer regulations for things like keeping your dog on a leash or adding features to your home and yard.

Clean Air--

Without the industry and exhaust of an urban setup, you’ll find less pollution out in the country. You’ll have cleaner air to help rather than hinder your health. If you like to spend a lot of time outdoors camping, fishing, and hiking, you’ll also be able to appreciate the views of mountains and stars hidden by smog in the city.

Cost of Living--

Living in urban areas, and even suburban areas, you’re going to spend a lot more money on things like groceries and gasoline, not to mention more per square inch of your home. You may even have additional property taxes or city maintenance costs. If you want more for your money, you’ll be able to find similar houses to those in the city but at a much lower cost.

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