22 May 2019

Common Bed Bug Myths Busted

For many years it was believed that the menace of bed bugs was reduced over time mainly due to an improvement in hygiene standards. However, bed bugs have made a comeback and the menace is only going to grow. If you notice even a single bed bug around you, take action immediately. There are certain myths about bed bugs which can fortify you against an infestation. Here are some common myths busted for you.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Bed Bugs Can Fly--

Bed bugs are really fast but on the ground. Their speed is more than one meter per minute and they cannot fly. It would be an absolute nightmare if bed bugs started flying. You might feel like they are everywhere which is why you have an illusion that they can fly. They easily adjust to different living conditions and temperatures.

Bed Bugs Multiply Very Quickly--

Bed bugs are difficult to locate and they live longer on other insects. This is why there is an illusion that they multiply faster. They actually reproduce slowly. Their life cycle will span out over a couple of years. A female can lay only one egg in a day and the eggs take about 10 days to hatch and about 6 weeks to mature into an adult. This is pretty slow as compared to other insects.

Bed Bugs Are Only Visible at Night--  

You are right, the insects are nocturnal but they can also be visible in the day. Light does not keep bed bugs away and they will come out if they are hungry. If bed bugs are present in your house, you can expect to be bitten at any time.

Bed Bugs Can Go up to a Year Without Feeding--

Bed bugs easily adapt to temperatures and to the lack of food. Even normal room temperature is ideal for them. Bed bugs thrive in the same environment as humans do and in reality, they can survive about two to three months without feeding. However, their metabolism slows down in the winter and they can survive on their last meal up to one year in the cold. It is mainly because they are cold blooded and show such behavior.

Bed Bugs Live in Mattresses--

Bed bugs are believed to be only found in bed because of its name. However, they are not only found in beds but can be found anywhere. You can pick them up from public transport, from other people, public places, others’ houses, and pets. Bed bugs are small and they can crawl into very tiny spaces like cracks in the walls. Even luggage gives them a lot of folds to hide in. They are not only found in mattresses but any place that is warm.

Bed Bugs Are Unsanitary--

Even if your house is the most sanitary place in the world, you can have bed bugs. They are hardy and very undiscriminating. They tend to infest poorer homes more often because of the dense population that translates to more food sources for them.

Bed Bugs Can Travel on Us--

This is a big myth that needs to be busted right away. Bed bugs do not like the heat in your body and they do not travel on the body. They like areas away from body heat and you will never find them on your skin or hair unless they are feeding. However, they do travel in clothes. Hence, you need to check thoroughly before wearing your clothes and shoes.

Removal of bed bugs is necessary and is very tricky. If you notice that there are bed bugs in your home, you need to call professionals for a thorough inspection of your house. Professionals at bed bug control Seattle use the latest tools for an inspection of the house. There are certain steps you can take to treat bed bugs. It starts with cleaning the place where bed bugs live. This includes bedding, curtains, and linens. Wash them in hot water and dry them. Put all the items that cannot be washed into a dryer and run it for 30 minutes. You need to use a stiff brush in order to scrub the mattress seams in order to remove the bugs before vacuuming.

Never ignore the presence of bed bugs in your home because it can cause a menace in no time. You need to understand that proper treatment is necessary for removal of bed bugs and if you are unable to clean your home, you might have to seek the assistance of a professional for the same.