22 May 2019

5 Simple Things That Will Make Your College Experience Better

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

College can be a complex time. There are lots of deadlines, frustrations, social changes, new people, material you don’t understand, and way more.

College will also be great, and you will learn a lot and meet amazing people. I have found that there are some things that will make the experience better. They are simple but have made my college experience more enjoyable.

Laptop/Flash Drive--

A good laptop makes a huge difference. You will be doing a lot of assignments and so you need great speed, lots of storage, and good RAM. This all essentially governs how fast your computer will go, how much memory your computer has, and how much you can download. If you have a cheaper laptop, it will likely be another source of frustration, as you will constantly be waiting for things to load and clearing up space.

This is where a good flash drive comes in. You should have all important information backed up in multiple places. A Flash drive allows you to store lots of information off of your computer. If you have less important items, you can copy them to your flash drive and delete them from your computer, freeing up precious space.

It is important to note that you don’t need to break the bank for a great laptop. There are many affordable options that are still quality computers. Asus is a great example, and you can even find some surprisingly good deals on Macs.


This seems kind of basic, but I did say these are simple things right? A good pair of headphones is a lifesaver. You can listen to music while doing homework, exercising, sleeping, or being in common areas without affecting others. You need to be respectful of your roommates, and headphones allow you to be respectful if they need silence. It also allows you to not be bothered as most people will not approach you while your headphones are in. Being social is great, but sometimes you need your peace.

People use their headphones all the time. Pro tip: when walking to class and using headphones, make sure you are aware of your surroundings. You would not be the first person to not hear an incoming bike or person and get run over.

These first two items go together perfectly for the most commonly done activity at college: Netflix!


These aren’t something you can really prepare when you come to school, but they are awesome. Whether you find a paper coupon to a restaurant or store or use an app to find coupons or deals, it will make you happier than you can comprehend right now. You may not feel joy when you get a coupon for a discount on milk and cereal right now, but once you are a college student I promise you will.


This next one may not apply for those who go to school in places like Florida, California, Arizona, and Hawaii. They get great winter weather. For us peasants who don’t attend school in perpetually warm climates, a good jacket is a life saver.

You will do a ton of walking as a college student, even if you have a car. Keeping warm is key to a happy you, so make sure you get a quality jacket that will keep the winter woes away.


This is crucial. Different apartments have vastly different atmospheres and reputations. You should look carefully to find out what apartment will be right for you. Find one you like, and that seems to match your personality.

Some apartments have very social atmospheres and people. Other apartments have quieter, laid back feels to them. Find the vibe that is appealing to you. Student living is a very important part of college because when you go to your apartment, it should feel like home.

Conclusion: Life is full of simple, yet important things. These things helped me find peace, relaxation, success, and belonging. Look into these things, but also know that just about anything can do this for you. Attitude is everything after all. Good luck in school my friends!